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We Believe!

Well this is something almost every group uses to help people understand who they are. With that in mind, we recognize that people want to know what we believe when we are share our "statement of faith" and "beliefs". The reality as we see it is we, the children of God are the church and we fellowship on Sundays and other times as we plan it.


We believe Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. 
No one can enter heaven’s gate and spend eternity there without Jesus being their Savior.

We believe there is the Trinity which simply means 3 ways God reveals himself for our benefit. Meaning He is the 1) Father who loves family so much He sent His 2) Son Jesus to die; showing the world His path to heaven and demonstrating you can have a great life while here on earth, living for Him. Jesus is truth and when Jesus rose from the grave on the third day 3) The Holy Spirit came to teach the people truth, convict the world of sin and will always direct to Jesus. This was a brief overview of the Trinity.

As for baptisms, the bible teaches us after being "born again" or "saved" (meaning we have asked Jesus to wash our sins away and inhabit our life completely, believing He is Lord and savior of all) we should be baptized with water to let others see what happened on the inside. The old nature we lived in dies. So as a symbol, we go under water, then coming back up to show a life than has been cleansed of old ways, sin and thinking. We do encourage this. All though we don't believe you have to be water baptized to go to heaven, we do emphasize it's important. Instead, we imply it's is a heart posture, from a place of relationship that causes a person to want to be baptized.

We believe in the baptism in the Holy Spirit with fire. We do teach and practice this. We also believe in the "laying on of hands" during prayer and ministry time which simply means we believe God can use our hands like tools to fulfill other people’s needs. We believe God is still healing, physical and emotional needs people have. Even if we simply agree for a need to be met, its God who works through hands, not power of our own. Also one sign given to the church as recorded in scripture, is speaking in other/various tongues. This is the language given to someone to pray for things that bypasses the mind's ability to know. This isn't our "holier than thou card". It’s
an equipping of the saints for the Glory of God. We also don’t believe it’s necessary to speak in other tongues to be saved, though it does help. But only Jesus saves.

We teach and live in unity. Which implies if we do not work together with love being our binding force we can do very little. The bible teaches we are the body of Christ put together by Gods divine plan and are all individually important to Him.

We believe in the return of Jesus Christ to establish the work of heaven being on earth. Where the believers will reign over the things given to them and enjoy the life of heaven here. We also teach in the final appearing of the Father after the millennial reign of Jesus on the earth. This will be the final confrontation between the devil and The Father. God will come and make the final judgments to finish what started in the Garden of Eden. We look forward to this coming to pass. We anticipate meeting Jesus in the sky when he returns. We also look forward to so many revelations of Christ between now and when it’s all accomplished. There are various beliefs on eschatology, meaning when Jesus will return. So this is where we stand: whether you believe the tribulation has occurred already? Or you could believe in the pre, mid or post tribulation return. One way or the other he will come again! We just don't think it to be necessary to argue with people over this or other doctrine for the sake of being right. So whatever variable you believe, just know you're welcome with us. Even if you don't have any faith at all come see us!


Now there is so much that could be talked about discussed. But at the end of the day, Jesus the Christ is THE LORD of Lords and King of Kings so we rest in His sovereign hand. We are also loved through and for His people! 


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